Hi and welcome!
Since you are here, you probably wonder who we are and what we're up to. The purpose of this webpage is to give Pixel Shade a home on the internet where people, like yourself, can find information about us, our projects, and even opportunities to express your own creative mind.
If you have any skills you want share or you're looking for something to do at your spare time, please let us know at opportunities@pixelshade.se. Perhaps we could cooperate and make something amazing together.
Kind regards
Dennis Ramberg
Founder of Pixel Shade
About Pixel Shade
Pixel Shade is a game studio built on a bunch of talanted people doing the things they love. Which is pretty amazing when you think about it. Unlike large companies, everyone in Pixel Shade has the creative freedom to do whatever their mind is set out to do. We strongly believe that if people do the things they love, and find cooperation within the boundaries of a project, great content will surface.
Meet the Team
Dennis Ramberg
Founder and Game Developer
Humble in his nature, Gustav has probably not yet realized the amazing potential of his abilities. With great versatility and perfectionate mind, his music spans from high quality sci-fi tracks to the organic soundtrack of Project Catnip.

Gustav Sigling
Music Composer
At the time being we are working on a single project. An open world 2D platform adventure played out in a scandinavian, fable themed setting. Everyone is really passionate about the project. And we are currently looking for investment and-, or a publishing deal in order to pursue this project on full time.
However, We also attend game jams in order to have a fun and creative experience outside of our main project, this has resulted in two prototypes. The Carrier was built in less than 72 hours by Dennis and Gustav, while Missil Mayor was built by Gustav alone. You can read more about the games as well as play them on their respective links.

About the Game
Written by Dennis RambergMay, 2018
Formerly know as 'Project Catnip', Unsung has undergone some major changes since the first idea was sparked in late 2014. What started out as a simple mobile platform game has, during the course of time, developed into an ambitious dream project of ours. Today we are looking at an open world 2D adventure filled with tight controls, intricite gameplay, an ambitious storyline and highly detailed audiovisuals. With the experience gained over the years, and the tech, tools and workflow mastered, we feel confident to see this project through in a near and forseeable future
There are a lot of things happening right now and in the end of summer 2018 we will release our first playable demo. Stay tuned, and follow us on social media. It's a great way for us to keep in touch with as well as providing news and info about the development
If you have a specific question in mind which you would like to get answered, please send me an e-mail
Confirmed platforms: Steam, XBOX One
Pending platforms: Nintendo Switch, Playstation 4
Release date: TBA.